Superintendent’s Page

Welcome to Milford Area Public Schools!

As the new superintendent of Milford Area Public Schools, I am both honored and excited to embark on this incredible journey with our vibrant community. From the moment I joined, I have been struck by the warmth, dedication, and passion that permeates every corner of our district. Milford Area Public Schools is a place where students, educators, staff, and families are deeply valued and supported.

Our district’s vision, “Building the Extraordinary,” is more than just words—it’s a commitment to excellence in every aspect of our educational journey. It reflects our shared dedication to creating innovative, dynamic learning environments, supporting one another with empathy and respect, and empowering every student to reach their fullest potential.

As I begin my first year, my focus is to listen and learn from all of you—our students, staff, families, and community members. I want to hear your stories, understand your challenges, and celebrate your successes. Your experiences and perspectives are invaluable, and together we will build upon the strong foundation that has made Milford Area Public Schools such a special place.

As we move forward, we will face challenges, celebrate achievements, and—most importantly—continue to build something truly extraordinary for our students. I am committed to upholding and building on the incredible work that has been done in the past, and I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition and continued success for our district.

Every role in our district is vital to shaping the future of our students, from our dedicated educators and hard-working support staff to our engaged parents, supportive community members, and valued business partners. I deeply appreciate the contributions each of you makes to the success of Milford Area Public Schools.

As we look ahead, I encourage you all to reflect on what “Building the Extraordinary” means to you. How can we, as a community, inspire our students and create a nurturing, inclusive, and empowering environment? Together, with collaboration and trust, I am confident that we will continue to build an extraordinary future for Milford Area Public Schools.

Thank you for welcoming me into this wonderful community. I look forward to working with you all!

John Klaber, Superintendent