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Milford Area Public Schools #124


Art project with preschool and high school

Posted Date: 1/31/25 (9:51 PM)

Back in the spring of last year, the art teacher from the high school and I began to come up with an idea of collaborating together on a project. Mrs. Cox was able to submit for a mini grant in the fall and we had the students work together in November to begin to brain storm the idea! We had them create their own monster and draw it out with the high school students. From there, they took the design and came up with a plan to make it come to life!

Today the high schoolers presented the final design to the students and they couldn’t have come out any cuter. We saw and heard so many smiles and giggles as they got their new stuffed monsters! We hope you have enjoyed seeing them, too.

Special thanks to Mrs. Cox and all of the students who helped create the monsters. There was a learning curve on both sides and we are excited to collaborate again in the future.